Getting Started - a quick guide on ysmICQ


  1. Your configuration file is found in your home directory inside a directory called '.ysm' on unix systems and in your user's profile in windows NT, 2k, XP (documents and settings\rad2k\ysm\ysm-cfg, for example). If you are running Windows 9x, then you will find it in the directory c:\ysm


  1. Did you know that the keys '1' through '6' are bound to what we call 'hotkeys' ? Try them out! They are shortcut to useful commands!
  2. When you receive a message from a contact, just pressing the 'TAB' key will autocomplete a message command to respond!
  3. After you send a message to a contact, pressing the 'TAB' key will autocomplete a new message command to that same contact!
  4. You can minimize the console window anytime by using the 'z' or 'minimize' commands!
  5. You can use the TAB key while writing the name of a command to autocomplete the rest of it!
  6. You can use the TAB key while writing the name of a contact, to autocomplete the rest of it!.

Comfortability - Only Windows systems

  1. When the console window is minimized, you can hold the CTRL, ALT and 's' keys together to make the console window pop back up!. The 's' key is configurable through the configuration file's WINHOTKEY setting!.
  2. When you receive a message, the console pops up and blinks in the traybar! You may want to configure this through the 'WINALERT' setting in your configuration file!

Security related

  1. If you aren't going to use file transfers, disable them! By having file transfers enabled not only ysm binds a port but it also makes your internal IP address public!. To disable file transfers, change the 'DC_DISABLE' setting in your config file to '1'.
  2. If you have other contacts using ysm, use crypto with them! That way instead of having your words sent in plaintext through the network you will be able to hide your conversations from sniffers. Type 'help key' to learn how to set a 'key' with a contact.